Political Campaign Season Provides Lessons in “Optics”

Vote ImagesThis week brings another election day to my community, providing an annual reminder for me of the great democracy in which we live, and why I am glad I don’t work in politics. I’ve got many good reasons for not getting involved in politics, but  that doesn’t stop me from paying close attention to political campaigns from the largest national elections to the smallest campaigns for school board.… Read the rest

To Get People to Know, they Must Care. To Get them to Care, We Must Educate

Audience and LightsNot long ago, O’Brien Communications began to provide assistance to a nonprofit organization centered on marking a major anniversary of a historical event.  To avoid creating any confusion on the PR issues at play, for now I won’t name the project or get into its specifics.

It’s more important to explore the situation and the process because the communications challenges this nonprofit faces are some of the most common challenges most organizations face.… Read the rest

8 Spokesperson Critical Success Factors

shutterstock_116176801You’ve been tasked with speaking on behalf of your organization to the public. Maybe it’s the media, or maybe you’re going to speak at a community event or town hall-style meeting.

Regardless, there are two things you know: first, that there are so many uncontrollable variables that you never really know what you may be asked; second, once it starts, there is good potential that word-of-mouth, social media and possibly professional reporters in the audience will amplify and extend the life of your words.… Read the rest